The church, which is the body of Christ is one but still divided into several groups which include the pentecostal, orthodox, protestant etc. However, if you are wondering about the difference between the Orthodox church and the Pentecostal church, then keep reading this article. Here, we would be discussing the difference between the two categories of churches.
But before we dive in, let’s define what a Pentecostal church is and what an Orthodox church is.
What is an Orthodox Church?
In the context of Christianity, Orthodox means conforming to the Christian faith as highlighted in the creeds of the early church. The Orthodox Church believes in the old religious ways and upholds the tenets of Christianity as laid down by the apostles. However, these churches’ ways may not go well with modern-day churches.
What is a Pentecostal Church?
Pentecostal is derived from the word Pentecost which refers to the early apostles’ experience with the Holy Ghost. Hence, Pentecostal churches emphasize the Christian’s personal experience with God and the power of the Holy Spirit.
4 Differences Between Orthodox Churches and Pentecostal Churches
- Realities of the power of the Holy Ghost.
Even though both churches believe in the supremacy of God and the Bible, there are some truths of the Bible that Orthodox churches do not completely accept and adopt. One clear example is the baptism of the Holy Ghost. On the other hand, Pentecostal churches are established on the apostles’ experience of the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in unknown tongues.
- Manifestation of signs, wonders and miracles
Pentecostal churches manifest signs and wonders through the power of the Holy Ghost. They believe that the Holy Ghost can heal the sick, raise the dead and do astounding miracles. Whereas, Orthodox churches do not take signs and wonders seriously. Although, some Orthodox churches such as the Roman Catholics have a mild belief in the manifestation of miracles.
- Mode of Dressing.
Some Pentecostal churches are usually strict in their principles of dressing. Some churches do not allow women to wear jewellery, makeup and other fashion items, as they believe that members especially women are supposed to dress moderately, not exposing their bodies. On the other hand, Orthodox churches do not have strict rules on the dressing. Women are allowed to adorn themselves and employ the latest fashion styles that bring out their beauty. Also, Orthodox priests usually wear cassocks while Pentecostal churches wear suits.
- Reverence of Mary
Orthodox churches believe in the holiness of Mary and hold her in high esteem. Mary is usually mentioned in every service, and intercessions are made to her. This is not the case with Pentecostal churches. Pentecostal churches on the other hand see Mary as any other person in the Bible who simply obeyed God.
Even though Pentecostal churches and Orthodox churches have different views on certain aspects of Christianity, they are still one under the body of Christ. We hope this article has duly informed you about the differences between Pentecostal and Orthodox churches.