5 Fake Zelle Payment Screenshot Generators 2023

There’re 2 ways to create a fake Zelle payment screenshot. The first is through a fake Zelle payment generator the second, is through editing the code using the “Inspect” browser function.

I’ll show you how to use both ways but if I’m asked which way is easier I’d say the browser method plus you don’t need to subscribe to any app.

Let’s first see the best apps out there for doing that.

Warning: these apps were created for fun’s sake not to use in defrauding people. Our guide doesn’t in any way encourage fraud.

5 Fake Zelle Payment Screenshot Generator 2022

1. Make Receipt. Make Receipt is one of the most reliable platforms for generating fake Zelle receipts. The good thing is that it doesn’t just work for Zelle alone, but you can also use it to generate fake receipts for different purposes such as bank transfers, Amazon, ATM withdrawals, Walmart, etc. For Zelle, you can use the site to personalize the digits, create a receipt number, or make changes whatsoever to fit the transaction. 

2. PDF Filler. If you want a fake Zelle screenshot that would almost look like an original Zelle receipt, then PDF Filler is not the wrong choice. PDF Filler is easy to use, and you don’t need to be a techie to navigate the app. You can design your screenshots and print them when you are done. You don’t need to create a new receipt as the app also has a variety of templates to choose from. Once you open a template, you must fill the blank spaces, edit the values, save, print, or share the document with others. As the name implies, the screenshot would only be available in pdf format.

3. Custom Receipt Maker. With Custom Receipt Maker, you can generate a fake Zelle payment screenshot. This tool also has a user-friendly interface and can be customized to suit user preferences. All you need to do is to download, install it, and then fill in the required details. 

4. Quick Receipt. A quick Receipt is an efficient tool for generating fake Zelle payment screenshots. It has different templates that you can choose from and customize your receipts. It can also be used for different platforms apart from Zelle like PayPal, Cashapp, etc. All you need to do is download the app, follow the instructions and go ahead and make your fake screenshot. Choose the template that looks exactly like the original Zelle screenshot and provide all the relevant information to look like an authentic Zelle screenshot. Save the image and share the fake screenshot if you want. The video below shows you how to generate this screen.

5. Express Expense. The last on our list is the Express Expense app. With this app, you can make fake Zelle screenshot payments quickly and without hassles. The app has templates from which you can make your choice. It professionally makes screenshots, and you can be sure that once you are done editing, the screenshot will look like it originally came from Zelle. Just provide your information, and your screenshot will be generated in seconds!

That’s it with our list.

Now, to the inspection method. You need to have a Zelle account with at least a transaction. The process is similar to creating a fake PayPal payment screenshot on your browser. You might want to go there and see how it’s done as it’s quite similar to how PayPal screenshot is generated.

How Does the Zelle Scam Work?

A suppose real buyer sends a Zelle payment receipt to your email inbox. It can look exactly like the real one. He/she then contacts you to confirm payment and send the purchased item. The truth is that the mail was sent to you from his private computer, not by Zelle.

How to Avoid Zelle Scam with Screenshot

It’s simple to ascertain if a transaction is genuine. Sometimes scammers can send a mail just like the one below:


Everything can look similar to a real Zelle receipt don’t just fall for it. Before accepting payment on Zelle make sure to log into your Zelle app to confirm. Take your time to check that the sender’s details on the app match the one in the mail.

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