How to Unlock Everything on Glassdoor

Launched in 2008, Glassdoor is known as a job posting site that links employees with company owners. Glassdoor is available as both a website and an app. It supports both Android and iOS devices making it easily accessible to all users on the platform.

Over the years, glassdoor has grown to be one of the biggest job listing platforms in the world, with the company boasting 50 million unique visitors monthly. Glassdoor’s transparency makes the platform one of the best in the world. Company reviews, ratings, and salaries are open for employees.

Therefore, if you are looking for a job, all you need to do is to create a free account on the platform, upload your cv and start applying for jobs in your area of expertise. The platform also offers free resources to both companies owners and employees, such as career guides and other information products

If you are looking for a job on Glassdoor, knowing how to unlock the views is important to your success. And so, below we will take a look at how glassdoor works and how to unlock glassdoor reviews. Without any more to add, let’s understand how glassdoor works.

How Glassdoor works

Glassdoor allows job listings from recruiters and organizes their reviews, ratings, and salary in a searchable form. Employees who are looking for a job can go on the platform by creating an account, unloading their resume, and begin applying to job listings. This way employers can easily accept the employee who they deem perfect for their business.

To get started on glassdoor all you need to do is to create a free account on You will be required to fill in an email address and password. A mail will be sent to you to complete your registration, once done you are free to start using the platform.

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Having an account on glassdoor helps you create a matching profile and resume to a job post you want to apply for. In addition, you can also communicate with the employer via your account. This, therefore, makes applying to more than one job post easy and fast.

Now that you are on the platform, you have to adhere to the first basic policy called “GIVE TO GET”. Under this policy, you must contribute by either giving a company review, interview review, salary, or benefits review to have access to unlimited content on the platform.

You will be given 12 months of access to unlimited content on the platform if you contribute any of the reviews listed above. Once you have given a review, you can start searching for jobs on the platform. The top bar is where you can filter your job search.

There are jobs, companies, salaries, and reviews categories in which you can filter your search and get the best jobs for you. Glassdoor ensures maximum security for its users. The platform affirms that every review posted is made Anonymous for the safety of all users. You can learn more about how the platform work by reading through their website.

How To Unlock Glassdoor Reviews

After creating your account, you will discover that not all companies” information is accessible to you. This is not because you have to pay some premium, it’s simply connected to your profile set up. Many employees find it difficult to unlock glassdoor reviews, but it isn’t difficult.

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Unlocking glassdoor review is as simple as performing the ” GIVE TO GET” policy discussed earlier. Here’s how it fully works:

Sign up for a free account and supply your details to complete your registration. Worried that your profile will be in the open for anybody to see? No need as you can make your Glassdoor profile private where employers won’t get to see it.

Next, you will be required to rate an employer or company you’ve worked for or currently working for.

Now, start by writing a detailed review by providing information on the interview process and the salary earned.

You can also opt to write a benefits review for such an employer or company.

And you are done. You will be given 12 months of unlimited access to all of the Glassdoor content. This policy helps users get the best out of the platform. With this, there will be enough reviews for new employees to make a better decision on which company to work for.

In conclusion, the best way to unlock glassdoor reviews is by simply giving a review about a company.

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